
Bridge with Bland: 5.8.19

The Mississippi River Heart Hand and the Duke of Cumberland Hand (aka the 007 Moonraker Hand) have been part of whist and bridge lore for centuries. Bridge legend keeps us playing deal after deal, hoping that we will sit in on such a hand. This month’s hand fills the bill.

vul: North/South
dealer: East

the bidding
E: 3 ♦
S: 3 ♥
N: 3 ♠
E: 4 ♣
S: 4 ♠
W: 5 ♣
N: 5 ♠
E: 6 ♣
W: Pass
N: Pass
E: Pass

opening lead: ♦ A

♠ A Q J 6 2
♥ K 10 9
♦ Q J 9
♣ Q 9

♠ Void
♥ Void
♦ 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
♣ K 8 7 5 3

♠ K 9 4
♥ A J 8 5 4 3
♦ A K
♣ J 6

♠ 10 8 7 5 3
♥ Q 7 6 2
♦ Void
♣ A 10 4 2

the play
1. The ♦ Ace was trumped in Dummy.
2. The 2 of ♣ to Declarer’s King.
3. The 3 of ♦ was trumped.
4. Declarer took note of the three/two ♦ break and cashed the ♣ Ace drawing trumps.
5. The 3 of ♠s was ruffed in hand.
6. Declarer gave up a ♦ and claimed.

Note: With two voids, East bid six ♣s as a save against five ♠s. N/S holding 31 points had no trouble doubling.
Comment: “Points schmoints!” (31 for N/S, 9 for E/W). Trumps and controls rule.

tip of the day
We recently heard the expression ‘points schmoints!’ What does it mean?
I believe Marty Bergen, prolific maker of bridge conventions, coined the phrase when writing one of his many bridge books. The phrase suggests trumps and controls often are more useful than the number of points one holds.

big games & scores

March 19
Bettie Johnson/Gail Bunce
Other Afternoon

March 21
Mike Pitonak/Dennis Spencer
St. Louis Bridge Center

March 26
Lynne Puetz/Norman Jones
St. Louis Bridge Center

March 30
Janet Vontz/Farid Azzam
St. Louis Bridge Center

March 30
Rich Haake/Mike Giacaman
St. Louis Bridge Center

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