
Fighting Cold & Flu

There is no cure for the flu or common cold. Does that mean we have to be resigned to aches and pains, coughing, sneezing, fever and congestion every winter? Absolutely not! SSM Health family medicine practitioner Dr. Peter Montgomery says we can take steps to alleviate symptoms and get better faster—and yes, some of this advice is applicable to coping with COVID-19.

it’s as easy as abc 
Montgomery recommends that his patients follow these simple guidelines for fighting cold and flu symptoms.

A is for … aspirin
Aspirin can help alleviate aches and pains and reduces fever. “It also has an anti-clotting property, so it’s important for patients who may be prone to blood clots after being inactive for an extended period of time,” Montgomery adds.

B is for … breathe deep
Taking a deep breath can help with blood circulation. Montgomery recommends making sure to get up and move regularly even when sick. “Set a timer every hour and go up and down the stairs to make yourself breathe deeply,” he says. “Get your rest, but don’t just be a couch potato.”

C is for … vitamin c
Studies have shown that vitamin C can reduce the duration of cold symptoms. Montgomery suggests getting it from fruits and vegetables, but supplements are fine if whole foods aren’t an option. “It’s a very
short-lived chemical, so make sure you get vitamin C with breakfast, lunch and dinner,” he adds.

D is for … vitamin d
Vitamin D can improve your immune system, and studies have shown that it can help protect against acute respiratory infections. Montgomery says that adults with higher levels of the vitamin have improved outcomes with COVID-19. “One the major problems in severe cases of COVID-19 is an overreaction of the immune system,” he explains. “Vitamin D helps regulate that response so things don’t become inflamed.”

avoid this
According to Montgomery, don’t make these part of your recovery plan.

combat congestion 
Even without a cold, a stuffy nose can be a common occurrence in winter. Here are some ways you can clear your sinuses and breathe easy.

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