
Happenings: 1.13.16

u.s. navy
Navy Petty Officer Christopher Lamacchia, originally from St. Louis, is currently serving aboard the USS Harry S. Truman and received the ship’s Warrior of the Day award for four years of service as a hospital corpsman. Pictured above: Christopher Lamacchia and Ryan Scholl, commanding officer

happ73_JFCSjewish family & children’s services
JF&CS held its 14th annual Tree of Life event at the home of Jeremy and Marni Deutsch to recognize the nonprofit’s most generous donors.

happ73_sunnyhillsunnyhill inc.
More than $12,000 was raised at Sippin’ for Sunnyhill, a fundraiser hosted by the nonprofit at the Anheuser-Busch Biergarten. Funds will help create opportunities for those with developmental disabilities. Pictured: Amy Danner, Jill Kesler, Kim Grego

happ73_creve-coeurthe city of creve coeur
Creve Coeur named Dennis Beckley and Tracy Grass 2015 Citizens of the Year for their service and tireless dedication to the community. Pictured: Mayor Glantz, Dennis Beckley, David Kreuter, Charlotte D’Alfonso

happ73_crisis-nurseryst. louis crisis nursery young professional board
Crisis Nursery’s Young Professional Board raised $23,000 at Napoli Night, a fundraising event to support the organization’s mission to prevent child abuse and assist families in crisis. Pictured: Emily Rau, Kelly Davis, DiAnne Mueller

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