
Happenings 1.7.14

[funhouse gallery]
Two-time cancer survivor and artist Theresa Disney unveiled her work at the opening of The Funhouse Gallery, a space specifically designed to showcase her creations. Pictured above: Theresa Disney

[ms. senior missouri]hap_seniorA dinner was held at GreenBriar Hills Country Club to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Ms. Senior Missouri Pageant. Attendees gathered to commend this year’s pageant winners and their contributions to the community.
Pictured: Marcene Tockman, Helen McGlynn, Sue Fleming, Sharon Houston, Jacquie Crawford

[girls in the know]hap_gitkTo celebrate its fifth anniversary, Girls in the Know hosted a fundraiser featuring Dr. Tim Jordan, who spoke about the importance of raising strong young women in today’s world. Through extended dialogue, Girls in the Know seeks to inspire girls to make healthy, informed and confident choices as they mature into adulthood.
Pictured: Lori Lander,Bonnie Mann, Jill Indovino, Gina Marten, Emily Rau, Dr. Tim Jordan

[cureiosity]The Ninth Annual CUREiosity event to benefit Siteman Cancer Center was held at the Four Seasons Hotel. More than 300 guests attended to unite in the fight against cancer as a community.
Pictured: Barry Horn, Pat Shannon and Ken Rosenthal

[saint louis zoo]The Saint Louis Zoo presented four awards, including its 2014 Conservation Award, to outstanding community leaders during the 23rd annual Marlin Perkins Society Celebration.
Pictured: Tom Collins, John Schaperkotter, Carol Stewart, Bill Gerlach, Julie Gerlach and Patricia Parker. Photo by: Bentley Studio

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