
Happenings: 4.6.16

moneta group charitable foundation
The Moneta Group Charitable Foundation selected Maryville University/Kids Rock Cancer and Great Circle as this year’s partners, granting each nonprofit $25,000. (Pictured above)

The Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis recently recognized Sunnyhill Adventures camp director Rob Darroch for his dedication to helping individuals with disabilities experience camp activities like climbing walls and zip lines. Pictured: Sean King, Rob and Stephanie DarrochHapp_Sunnyhill

saint louis university liver center
Friends of the SLU Liver Center and its Young Friends group recently presented the organization with checks for nearly $550,000—the amount the groups raised in 2015 for life-saving research and patient care.

planned parenthood
More than 100 members of the Women’s Leadership Circle of Planned Parenthood and their guests attended an event to learn about partner communication. Pictured: Susan Stiritz and Heather RaznicHapp_Planned-Parenthood

legal services of eastern missouri
More than 700 guests attended the 26th annual Justice For All Ball, themed Diamonds are Forever in honor of LSEM’s 60th anniversary. The event raised funds for the organization, which provides civil legal assistance to area low-income individuals. Pictured: Robyn and Craig HigginsHapp_Legal-Services

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