
Hoping for a Home: 10.29.14

Town & Style partners with St. Louis animal adoption organizations to introduce you to local furry friends in need of adoption. Look for others on our Facebook page.

HopeHome_SimonHi, I’m Simon, a 7-year-old Labrador mix. I’m always excited, fun and agreeable, plus I’m completely trained and housebroken. I love to explore and would love it even more if you’d join me!
To Adopt Me // Humane Society of Missouri | 314.647.8800 |

HopeHome_ZoeyMy name’s Zoey, and I’m a 6-year-old domestic shorthair cat. I’m a curious girl who loves people and plays all day!
To Adopt Me // Humane Society of Missouri | 314.647.8800 |

HopeHome_Daisy-MayI’m Daisy May, an 11-month-old pit bull terrier who loves to play. Whether it’s children or other dogs, I get along with everyone and am always sniffing out new adventures!
To Adopt Me // Natalie Partenheimer at APA | 314.645.4610 ext. 124 |

Hi, I’m Dimples, an 18-month-old girl with pretty black fur. I am very social, I enjoy other animals and I love attention!
To Adopt Me // Bethany at Tenth Life Cats | 314.808.2454 |

My name is Snowshoe, and I’m a 4-month-old kitty. I’m a curious, playful girl who loves toys and games almost as much as getting attention from my human friends!
To Adopt Me // Brandyn Jones at Animal House Fund | 314.531.4626 |

[See someone you love? If you adopt a featured pet, share your story on our Facebook page or at and you’ll receive gifts from Riley’s Organics. All pets listed are available for adoption at press time. the adoption organizations are solely responsible for assessing the health and temperament of the animals listed.]

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