
It’s Time to Face Spring

As your mind starts thinking spring, vibrant, healthy skin definitely should be on your agenda. Now is the perfect time to energize your face with rejuvenating procedures.

forever young BBL
What Does It Do?
This non-ablative laser treatment uses broadband light technology to address concerns like hyperpigmentation, sun damage and brown spots.
Why Now?
“Winter is the perfect time to get rid of the damage you did in the sun last year,” says Carol Anderson, RN, CANS, owner of Nouveau, A Boutique MedSpa. “You don’t want to have been in the sun recently before the treatment, and you need to avoid exposure for at least two weeks afterward.”
It targets the top and underlying layers of skin. “As well as improving your complexion, the treatment helps your skin cells produce collagen and elastin, so your skin looks plumper and brighter,” Anderson explains. A session takes about an hour, and frequency depends on individual skin concerns.
No downtime is necessary, and makeup can be applied to the skin the same day. Pigmented areas will darken before fading and flaking off. Anderson cautions against trying to scrub off the darkened areas. “They will lift naturally, but if they haven’t in five days, I recommend people come in for dermaplaning,” she says.

microdermabrasion facial & chemical peel
What Does It Do?
Microdermabrasion removes dead cells on the skin’s surface with a wire brush or diamond fraise. This allows the chemical peel to penetrate more deeply and exfoliate further. “In winter, people often feel like they have dull skin,” says Paige Gardner, a SLUCare esthetician. “Combining these treatments improves texture while targeting hyperpigmentation, fine lines and acne.”
Why Now?
“Chemical peels make you more photosensitive,” Gardner explains. “This is a good time of year since you’re not out in the sun as often.”
Both treatments take around an hour and a half. Gardner notes that the microdermabrasion facial is a relaxing experience. The chemical peel is customized to the patient’s concerns, and the experience can change based on the strength and ingredients.
Depending on the strength of the chemical peel, there is little to no downtime, and makeup can be applied the same day. Unnecessary sun exposure should be avoided for two weeks. The exfoliation means better texture is felt in the skin immediately, but it may take a week or two to see full results.

What Does It Do?
The minimally invasive treatment works below the surface layer to tighten skin and remove fat. Dr. Emily Spataro, a Washington University facial plastic surgeon, notes there is a noninvasive version that uses a probe on the surface layer of skin, but it’s not as effective.
Why Now?
According to Spataro, radiofrequency treatment can be done any time of year, but it’s a good idea to schedule it during the winter to ensure you see results in the spring. “You won’t see major changes overnight,” she explains. “You see gradual tightening over several weeks or months, so it’s better to do sooner rather than later.”
Radiofrequency energy heats the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating cell turnover and the production of new collagen and elastin while destroying fat tissue. Patients feel the heat, so there may be some discomfort, and a topical anesthetic typically is used. Duration varies; for a larger area, it may take up to two hours.
No downtime is necessary, and typically, irritation is limited to minimal swelling, redness or tingling immediately following the procedure.

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