
New York Fashion Week: Fall/Winter 2016 Runway Trends

The recent New York Fashion Week that depicted the trends we’ll see for fall 2016 gave us a lot to look at. From dramatic goth-inspired pouts to twisted ponytails, the beauty looks had a sense of practicality mixed with the whimsical. Here are a few ways to get the look without having an expert makeup or hair stylist on hand.

gothic pout at puma by rihannaNYC-beauty-dark-lips
Remember that gothic phase you went through in high school? Maybe you preferred the term ‘emo.’ Whatever the case, dark lipstick is back, and it couldn’t have been more evident than at Puma by Rihanna. Gigi Hadid, sporting white hair and a black pout, may have been one of the most talked-about images to surface from fashion week. To get the look legendary makeup artist Pat McGrath created, check out MAC Cyber lipstick. It’s thick enough to give you great coverage without bleeding.
MAC Cyber Lipstick, MAC Store, Plaza Frontenac, $17

furry nails at libertineNY-beauty-furry-nails
There’s always one trend every season that turns heads. Even the most cynical of fashion critics couldn’t help but notice the furry nails models sported during the Libertine show. Practical? No. Fun? Well, they’re definitely conversation starters. It’s an easy look to achieve, even if it’s just for the night. Apply a coat of neutral polish (preferably nude), add a clear topcoat, and then place a pinch of faux fur to the wet polish. Voila, you’re set!
Creatology Craft Fur, Michael’s, $2.99

boxer braids at creatures of the wildNYC-Boxer_Braid_030-1-645x627
It may have been one of the more controversial looks at fashion week, but boxer braids aren’t going anywhere. Condemned by the Twitterverse for cultural appropriation (boxer braids have been a mainstay in the African-American community), it wasn’t long before the look was being copied by the likes of Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian. While it may have hit a nerve, it’s safe to say we can’t scroll through our Instagram feed without seeing a model or celebrity rocking it.

twisted ponytails at suno and prabal gurungNYC-twisted-hair-3.23
Ponytails got a refreshing take at more than one show this season. Suno went for the black velvet wrap, which added a distinct sense of sophistication without seeming juvenile. Prabal Gurung went grunge with a casual twisted ponytail that echoed the Victorian era. But the real show stopper was Blake Lively sitting front row at Michael Kors. Her bedhead ponytail not only stole the show, but also made it socially acceptable to rock a day- (or two-) old blowout with nothing more than a hair tie and perfectly placed flyaways.

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