
Redo My Ranch


Dear Homework,

We have lived in a simple ranch for 20 years on Clayton Road in Town & Country. For several years, my husband and I have talked about redoing the front landscape. We agree that all shrubs need to be removed and we want to start with a clean palette this spring. We also thought about adding other details, such as stone, fresh paint or other possibilities you suggest.

Thank you,
Redo My Ranch


Dear Redo My Ranch,

Your home could use a few architectural detail changes that could turn its current ‘style neutral’ feel into a Craftsman charmer. This will make it feel decades newer and give it more presence in its upmarket neighborhood.

By changing the siding and roof colors, reshaping the porch columns, adding window mullions and finally, building a low garden wall with light piers, the façade now takes on a convincing and comfortable Craftsman look that is much more inviting.

For the landscape, I would suggest simple, bold masses of plants that will reinforce the existing horizontal feel of the architecture. This basically means hedges that are lower than the brick walls they are in front of. A clump of birch trees to the right of the porch gives a vertical accent and keeps the whole composition feeling casual, which is in keeping with the Craftsman style. Tall evergreens to the left of the façade block the neighboring garage and thus redirect attention back to your house.

Your home basically looked fine to start with, but after these changes, it feels much more pulled together.

Hope that helps.

[HomeWork is penned by Paul Doerner, president, The Lawrence Group. if you would like your home critiqued, contact us at]

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