
Teens, Kids & Skin Care

TikTok is full of kids as young as 8 taking on multi-step routines that include moisturizers, masks, serums and more. Thanks to the rise of online influencers, children are being, well, influenced to take an interest in beauty at younger and younger ages, and that includes expensive skin care. But is there a problem with starting a beauty routine before you’re even in high school?

Common Skin Concerns for Kids

3-Step Skin Care for Kids
While influencers may be pushing complex multi-product skin care routines online, the best method for most kids is to keep it simple. If a child isn’t experiencing skin issues, they really only need three steps to their daily routine.

  1. Cleanser: Gentle is the keyword when it comes to cleansers. Kids should avoid using anything too harsh or irritating as it can strip the skin of moisture and cause or exacerbate breakouts. Look for products that include hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides. You also can opt for a product that is geared specifically toward your child’s skin type.
  2. Moisturizer: If your child’s skin is dry, consider introducing a moisturizer into their routine. Avoid anti-aging products and active ingredients as they are more effective for mature skin and can actually cause irritation for kids.
  3. Sunscreen: The most important thing in skin care for kids is sun protection. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that all children wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher whenever they are outside. Developing this important habit early not only protects their skin now, it also means they’re more likely to continue it into adulthood.

Note: If your child is going to wear makeup, they may want to also incorporate a makeup remover into their routine to prevent skin care problems that can arise from makeup residue. Also check that the products are  non-comedogenic (i.e. non-pore clogging) and oil free.

Skin Care Ingredients to Avoid
A lot of skin care, especially the expensive products often marketed by influencers, contain active ingredients that are aimed at fighting the signs of aging or other skin concerns. However, most of these are too harsh for kids’ more sensitive skin. Not only do pre-teens and teens not need anti-aging properties, these ingredients can do more harm than good, irritating the skin and even causing breakouts or prematuring it.

Sources: UCLA Health, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic

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