
The Insider: 5.13.15

The Country Club of St . Albans has had quite the face-lift. Among the $3 million in renovations was a new, state-of-the-art bunker system on its golf courses (designed by Tom Weiskopf); upgrades to the aquatic center and clubhouse, which now has a golfer’s lounge and wine bar; and bringing in new executive chef Ralph Insider_Judy-Berkowitz-Official-PhotoEdmonds, who will focus on fresh, locally inspired cuisine.

Jewish Family and Children’s Service has announced Judy Berkowitz as the new director of the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. She will oversee all operations and volunteer services, as well as expand community outreach. Berkowitz retired in January as CEO of Kids in the Middle. The pantry is in its 24th year of providing food and personal care items to those in need.

Insider_HeffernElleard Heffern Fine Jewelers is bringing to town exclusive estate jewelry from such renowned design houses as Cartier, Tiffany, David Webb and Harry Winston. The vintage and pre-owned pieces were collected from all over Europe and the United States specifically for the show, and they span numerous eras, from Victorian to late 20th century. Most of the items will be available for purchase only during the two-day event May 14 and 15.

Grand Center has received a $100,000 boost from Southwest Airlines. The airline, along with Project for Public Spaces, chose Grand Center aInsider_St.-Clements one of six recipients nationwide. The money will be used to reimagine Strauss Park and connect it to other venues in the arts district.

In honor of their former pastor of more than 24 years, Monsignor James E. Pieper, parishioners of St. Clement of Rome in Des Peres have established a scholarship endowment fund in his name. Donations will provide partial scholarships to St. Clement eighth-graders attending a Catholic high school. Pieper received the inaugural Fisher of Men Award in 2012 from the Archdiocese of St. Louis for encouraging youths to consider religious vocations.

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