
The Insider: 10.28.15

Connor Wright thinks BIG, as in 17-by-12 feet: That’s the size of the mural depicting Stan Musial constructed by the 17-year-old for Cardinals Nation at Ballpark Village. Did we mention it is made out of Rubik’s Cubes? Using 5,980 cubes, the Saint Louis Priory senior created the masterpiece as a senior thesis—and a way to honor his hero. Connor, who hopes his project will attract the attention of the Ivies, also has a 4.5 GPA and a 34 ACT score.Insider-Laura-for-Insider

CWE resident Laura Herring can add author to her impressive resume. The former CEO of The Impact Group has written a book called No Fear Allowed: A Story of Guts, Perseverance & Making an IMPACT. Just released Oct. 6, it was the No. 1 new book in entrepreneurship on Amazon. All profits from the book will go directly to breast cancer research at Siteman, where Herring twice battled breast cancer. Her goal: $1 million for the cure. You go, girl.Insider-CHESS

‘Check’ it out! Have you always admired those movie scenes where people sit and play chess en plein air? Now you can go to Forest Park and watch it happen in the flesh! FP Forever and the Chess Club have partnered to create the new space for free public chess. Located just north of Steinberg Rink, the chess plaza and chess tables—four of them—include bench seating.Insider-B.-Washington

If ever there was a St. Louisan who understands PR and events planning, it’s former Mathews-Dickey VP Barbara Washington. The homegrown dynamo now has launched her own firm, Bobcat Event Management & Consulting. Barb says its motto is: My word is my bond. You better believe it! Pictured: Barbara Washington and sons Jamie C. Dennis, left, and Jay C. Washington Sr.

Rebecca-Koening-B&W_1Our very own former managing editor Rebecca Koenig has racked up kudos from The Chronicle of Higher Education in Washington, D.C., which named her the winner of its 2015 David W. Miller Award for Young Journalists. Kudos to Becky!

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