I’ve been surrounded by dreaded f-words this month: fifty, fashion, flab and forgetfulness. None of them brings a smile to my face. Not even a smirk. So I’ve decided to share my angst with you.

At the heart of the problem is this: I turn 56 next month. I’d like to tell you that when I look in the mirror, I don’t see a 55-year-old woman, but I do. I am officially closer to 60 than 50. How did this happen? I clearly remember thinking my mom was ancient at 55. (Yes, I was an idiot.)

I read fashion magazines, do my fair share of shopping and always volunteer to be the person to pick out the group gift for my friends’ birthdays. My very first real job was working as a manager for The Limited. As I have aged, I realize there are certain things I should not wear anymore and stores I should not shop in. (Helpful tip: If you are over 30, please don’t wear pants with printing on the backside, especially if that printing says ‘Juicy.’) I love boots— cowboy, motorcycle, rain—you name it, I’ve got it. But I am confounded by how to wear over-the-knee boots without looking like Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman. And then there are the short booties. Are your socks supposed to show? Is your skin? Where do your pants end? Is my next stop the ‘sensible’ shoe store?

This year has not been kind to me; a lot of little things have made it hard for me to workout and keep in shape. Thus my final f-word: flab. It sneaks up on you. Just as you think you are looking pretty darn good in your jeans, the next thing you know you can’t sit down in or button those same jeans. So you are forced to reflect on what you have been doing, then realize it is the stuff you haven’t been doing that’s the problem.

Oh wait, there is another f-word! Forgetfulness. I used to be one of those people who could sit in a meeting, not take notes and still remember everything that was said. Now, I sometimes mistakenly call my dog by my daughter’s name. What has happened to my mind? You’re supposed to improve your memory through physical activity and mental stimulation. Clearly, I have let the physical activity go, but I have been attempting to use my brain. To that end, now available on the Town&Style website are crossword puzzles, word searches and sudoku, created by yours truly. They will help stimulate your mind, but more important, they’re meant to keep mine functioning. Go to townandstyle.com, click on the Leisure Tab and then Mind Games, where you also will find our monthly coloring page.

So, dear readers, I am looking for suggestions for the new year. Tell me if you are suffering from any of the f-word maladies. If you are, what are you going to do about them in 2016? I am open to suggestions and would love to try some new and interesting activities. Who knows, maybe I will even write about them. Assuming I remember to turn in my column. Email me at phannum@townandstyle.com. Before you forget.