Dear Homework,
We recently bought this ‘ugly duckling” cottage, which we think has the potential to become a swan. To start, the yellow and brown siding and trim has to go, along with the mismatched and far-too prominent garage doors. Beside some fresh white siding, what can we do to inject some personality into this fixer upper? Perhaps a porch, definitely some landscaping. We are eager to hear your suggestions.

Ugly Duckling Owner

Dear Ugly Duckling Owner,
Like you, I see a lot of potential here by playing up the cottage feel to the composition. As you will note, I have made some architectural additions in the form of two new dormer windows on the second floor and a bigger box bay window in the living room. These help to add some detail and balance to the rather stark existing facade. The entry projection (the home’s most charming feature) gets an interesting new front door and a relocated coach lamp. A new wood fence to the left of the entry helps shield the view of the garage doors, which have been replaced as you suggest.

I have replaced the existing clapboard siding with a shingle-look product and painted it a sage green that I think works well with the warm tone of the existing shingles, which look fairly new. I also show outlining the windows with a red border, which injects some personality and enhances the cottage feel.

All the existing landscaping except the large shade tree have been removed and replaced with simple low hedges bordered by ornamental grass or flowers. The whole picture now looks delightful and quite transformed.

Hope this helps,
− Homework

Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, founding partner of The Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at