It’s time for a new season—and a newly refreshed you. T&S is ready to dish the details. Read what local medical experts say about how you can rejuvenate your skin, eliminate that belly, and obtain bikini breasts and beach-worthy legs. Volleyball, anyone?


Looking a little washed-out? A series of microdermabrasion treatments can add luster to dull winter skin and reduce brown discoloration, fine lines and acne scars. “Microdermabrasion is a gentle exfoliation technique that helps remove the topmost layer of skin,” says Jackie Carr, nurse practitioner with Aesthetic Medisp a of West County. “As we age, skin turnover time decreases, dead skin cells accumulate. Microdermabrasion helps reveal underlying supple and vibrant skin.” It’s most often used on the face, neck and décolletage, she adds. Unlike home kits that rely on scrubs, microdermabrasion uses tiny crystals or diamond-studded tips on wands to abrade the skin. Dead skin cells are suctioned away. “We use a crystalfree machine,” Carr says. “The strength of treatment depends on the amount of suction, the grade of the wand and the number of passes over the skin. Typically there’s little to no downtime, and patients are generally able to resume normal activity. Their skin may be a little pink, but this normally subsides after a few hours.” Carr recommends six treatments, spaced seven to 21 days apart, with a maintenance program every four to six weeks. However, microdermabrasion may not be suited for patients with very delicate skin or skin that’s prone to broken capillaries. “It’s important to note that after brown discoloration is reduced, pre-existing broken capillaries become more visible. “

[banish belly fat]

Dr. Richard Moore, medical director, The Lifestyle Center Body:

FX is a new device that decreases belly fat through noninvasive treatments. It’s FDA-approved and uses radiofrequency energy to destroy fat cells and improve the appearance of cellulite-treated areas so they look less dimpled. It’s meant for healthy persons who are within 20 pounds of their ideal weight and have small pockets of stubborn fat. BodyFX heats the targeted zone between 40 and 42 degrees Celsius. When the device reaches the desired temperature, a pulse of energy goes through the fat cells, disrupting their cellular membranes, thereby killing them. Studies show about 30 percent of the fat cells were destroyed after six treatments. Results are similar to Cool Sculpting, another fat-destruction technique, but BodyFx also tightens skin. The patient comes in, lies on a bed and feels gentle suction and warmth during treatment, which lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. There is no downtime, but patients may experience a little bit of redness or a purplish hue at the treatment site. This is temporary. They can return to their daily activities the same day.

Dr. Brock Ridenour, Ridenour Plastic Surgery and Professional Skin Care:

There are several ways to reduce fat around the waist. Noninvasive techniques involve the external application of cold or heat. Fat cells in the target zone are injured, die and are excreted. Two popular, noninvasive devices are Cool Sculpting, a freezing technique, and Liposonix, which uses focused ultrasound energy to heat and destroy fat cells. Cool Sculpting removes about 23 percent of the fat in the target zone with each cycle. It’s very effective and, in my opinion, more comfortable than Liposonix. Both require good skin tone. Minimally invasive procedures include ThermiRF and Cellulaze. ThermiRF uses a temperature-controlled cannula, a thin, hollow tube inserted through a tiny entry point in the skin. It uses heat to melt fat, but surface skin benefits, as well by contracting. Although promising, ThermiRF is not FDA-approved for body contouring. Cellulaze, a medical device that uses a small fiber optic laser to heat and destroy fat, is. Invasive procedures include liposuction and tummy tucks. Liposuction contours larger areas, whereas a tummy tuck is best for those with loose, lax skin and underlying fat.

[getting needled]

Dr. Michele Koo, plastic surgeon:

Micro-needling is a unique way to safely resurface superficial skin. It’s done with a special pen-like device containing a cluster of micro-tipped needles, similar to what’s used for a tattoo. The process allows collagen to turn over and regenerate. Consequently wrinkles, pigmentation and scars are diminished. Because it’s very superficial and leaves clusters of normal skin between resurfaced areas, recovery time is minimal. Patients experience a red, sunburned look for two to seven days, far less than what occurs after a laser resurfacing.

Micro-needling is an excellent, minor, in-office procedure requiring no anesthesia and minimal downtime. Results are similar to those achieved with a microdermabrasion or a medical-grade glycolic peel. Adding Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to the wounded skin takes the improvement to the next level, improving texture. Skin looks smoother, brighter and healthier, with a rosy glow. Micro-needling is far less expensive than many laser and surgical procedures. It’s extremely effective, but it can’t do everything. It’s not meant for deep wrinkles, deep scars or loose skin.

Dr. Joseph Muccini, MidAmerica Skin Health & Vitality Center:

Some people freak out when they realize micro-needling requires making tiny punctures in their skin. ‘That can’t be good,’ they think. But in the right hands, micro-needling achieves a certain degree of skin rejuvenation. There’s a fine line between injury and therapeutic benefit, and often the path to improvement involves a very controlled but intentional injury. In concept, it’s no different than when we vaporize with a laser. The body recognizes something requires healing or ‘remodeling’ and it starts to mobilize all the right players to regenerate tissue.

Depending on the machine or device used, micro-needling presents us with a unique opportunity. We can topically administer nutrients, Vitamin C serums and growth factors during the 20 to 30 minutes the puncture wounds remain open. This allows for better absorption of product.

Micro-needling can be repeated and, after a while, you can achieve some cumulative effects, not as significant as with a fractional laser, but close. You can also combine micro-needling with other treatments, such as Ulthera, to tighten and lift skin.

[bikini-worthy breasts]

Dr. Judith Gurley, plastic surgeon:

A woman’s ideal breast size is determined by her body proportions, shape and whether she carries her weight low or high. The worst thing a woman can do is increase her breast size so much that she looks distorted.

Half of my breast patients see me for reduction, so I’m very sensitive about achieving an ideal breast size. For most women, it’s in the C to D range, which, when measured correctly, is smaller than most people think. A woman’s shoulders, waist, hips and especially her height are important considerations. But breast augmentation is more than implant size. It’s about breast shape and where that volume is being placed. There are five or six implant styles and about 300 volume sizes.

Straightforward augmentations tend to be for women who have good skin and nipple placement. But not everyone does, especially after having and nursing a couple of babies. Big- or small-breasted, with or without implants, they don’t feel comfortable in a bikini because they have too much loose skin. They need a breast-lift and a board-certified plastic surgeon with an aesthetic eye and lots of experience.

Dr. Terry Myckatyn, West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University:

If someone has a lot of fullness yet their breasts sag, we can elevate them. If their breasts hang and are smaller than they desire, we can elevate them and add volume. If the breasts are small, we can augment them.

Good communication allows us to deliver what patients desire. We use a validated scientific questionnaire called the BREAST-Q to assess patient perceptions before and after surgery, to determine how they view themselves, their breasts and their sexuality. Three-dimensional imaging also helps. We’re one of the few practices in town to have a VECTRA XT Imaging System. It allows us to take a very detailed 3-D picture of the patient before surgery and then, using special software, superimpose various implants over the image. This lets patients ‘see’ how an implant will look on her. It’s not 100 percent accurate, but it’s close. We can also simulate breast-lifts with the software.