Often referred to as “the change,” menopause can seem daunting and mysterious. And while it is private and personal for every woman, it’s also a subject we need to demystify.

What is menopause?
The term refers to the natural process when a woman’s ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone, ending the menstrual cycle. It is officially diagnosed when a woman has gone a year without a period. However, since hormone production gradually declines over time, symptoms can start several years before the final period and continue for several years after.

When do most women go through menopause?
In the United States, the average age is 51.

Why do some women experience it sooner?
Early menopause refers to when women go through the process before age 45. If a woman’s menstrual cycle ends before she turns 40, it is important to consult a physician because it could be related to other health issues. Along with medical conditions, the age at which you enter menopause can be impacted by genetics, race and lifestyle choices, such as smoking.

What is perimenopause?
It’s the transition period that begins when women’s ovaries gradually start to produce less hormones, usually four to ten years before menopause. It is most commonly seen in women in their 40s. Since it is related to estrogen decline, the symptoms can be very similar to menopause. The most common side effect is irregular periods, such as more frequent flow or skipped months.


As a natural process, menopause is not a condition that can be cured, but the physical symptoms can be treated individually.

Hot flashes and night sweats:
These are the most common side effects associated with menopause. On their own, they are not dangerous, and if they aren’t bothering you, treatment isn’t required. If you do want to address hot flashes and night sweats, they are commonly treated with hormones. However, each type of hormone therapy comes with its own risks, so make sure to have an in-depth conversation with your doctor. Antidepressants also can be used, and last year, the FDA approved Veozah, a first-of-its-kind oral medication for moderate to severe hot flashes. It works by binding to and blocking the activities of the NK3 receptor, which plays a role in the brain’s regulation of body temperature.

Low libido:
Low libido is often linked to the fact that menopausal women have lower testosterone levels, but that is not the only possible cause. Due to the manifold nature of the issue, treatment can take a variety of forms. These include investigating factors like mental health and the state of personal relationships. There are medications on the market for women’s libidos. However, they are only approved for pre-menopausal women.

Vaginal dryness:
This is a symptom that can impact women’s libidos as it leads to painful intercourse. It can occur for up to five years after the last period, so many women may not realize it is a side effect of menopause. The most effective treatment is a low dose of vaginal hormones. Unlike with other hormone treatments, they are minimally absorbed into the bloodstream. This means they do not increase risk for breast cancer, blood clots or cardiovascular disease. Since the dosage is so low, treatments for vaginal dryness will not address hot flashes. The therapy can be useful to maintain both vaginal and urinary health.

Weight gain:
Like a lower libido, menopausal weight gain can be caused by a variety of factors, including a slower metabolism and increased insulin resistance. Your body has to pump out more insulin to get glucose into cells, signaling it to deposit fat. This new fat doesn’t go to the breasts or buttocks, but instead is located more in the belly. While hormone therapy can help with the problem, it should be part of a weight loss management plan that includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Mood swings, depression and anxiety:
According to Harvard Health, the incidence of depression during menopause doubles, and women who have previously dealt with mental health concerns are at risk for a resurgence of symptoms. The mood shift associated with hormone changes are often mild, and severe depression has not been linked to menopause. However, it occurs at a time in life when there are often many other stressful factors for women, including financial concerns for retirement, the issue of caring for elderly parents and adult children leaving home. Make sure to take time to maintain your mental health, and don’t be afraid to talk to a mental health professional.

Short-term memory loss:
Brain fog can be a concern for women experiencing menopause. The best way to combat it is to exercise your mind. Try activities like crossword puzzles, learning a foreign language or taking a class to keep you mentally active and engaged.

Sources: Harvard Health, Mayo Clinic