Hair and makeup trends are constantly changing. One year, bright eyeshadows are the all the rage; the next, a neutral look is popular. And beauty gurus on Instagram and YouTube are always posting ‘must-replicate’ looks. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. Here is a breakdown of the lingo you need to know and trends that are popular—for now!

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Terms for nontoxic nail polishes that have removed the stated number of ingredients because of their potential to cause harm. Formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate and toluene were originally removed, but some brands also have eliminated things like camphor and xylene.

Does not refer to the lastest technology from Apple or Microsoft. It’s a description of any product that gives your cheeks, nails, eyes or lips a rainbow, iridescent shine.

squiggle brows
Rather straightforward, this refers to sculpting eyebrows to look, well, squiggly. We can thank Instagram for this and other brow trends that popped up this year.

A technique that uses blush to contour.

One-step, non-lathering, conditioning hair cleaners are also referred to as ‘no poo.’ Not to be confused with 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner products, they remove impurities without creating suds or stripping your hair of natural oils.

Mermaids had their mythical beauty moment, but they need to make way for their one-horned, four-legged friends. Inspired less by ancient myths and more by My Little Pony and Lisa Frank, iridescence, glitter, shimmer, and rainbow and pastel colors are the hallmarks of this trend.

A category of skin care products and trends from South Korea. The focus is on health and hydration. While the (in)famous, 10-step skin care routine may not be for everyone, here are some Korean products that are making an impact in mainstream beauty:

cushion compact Like a BB cream in compact form, these products both cover the skin and provide benefits like sunscreen, hydration and anti-aging ingredients.

essence Considered the most important step in the K-Beauty skin care routine, these serum-like products add a layer of moisture to hydrate and soften skin.

splash mask These toner-like products give you the benefits of a face mask, but in a matter of seconds! Simply splash and pat the diluted product on your face for 15 to 30 seconds

face blurring No, this isn’t a method to protect your identity if you make a video confession. Blurring is a technique that layers moisturizers and specialty products to reduce the appearance of blemishes like acne or wrinkles, creating a youthful and natural look.