Alexa von Tobel is the founder and managing partner of Inspired Capital, as well as the founder and former CEO of LearnVest. Her impressive resume also includes New York Times bestselling author, Vogue and Inc. columnist, host of The Founders Project podcast, and a CFP. After a successful departure from LearnVest, an online financial planning company where she spent more than 10 years before it was acquired by Northwestern Mutual in 2015, Alexa launched Inspired Capital this year. It was described to TechCrunch as “modern seed and early-stage venture firm.”
What are you doing to keep your kids engaged throughout the day while you’re all at home, and how are you approaching your work? We headed down to Florida in March, originally for spring break, but we’re still here! I’m viewing this as a unique opportunity for our three kids (ages 5, 2 and 1) to spend lots of time outside. We’re doing wagon and tricycle rides, walking to the park, having picnics, playing games, you name it. We can’t spend as much time outside when we’re home in NYC, so we don’t want to take it for granted. In terms of work, there’s a lot of juggling, but in many ways, it’s easier because some of the day-to-day noise is cut out. I no longer am traveling on planes and trains and am realizing how much I can get done virtually.
How are you lifting your spirits and keeping sane in the midst of this new normal? Am I? Every day is totally a juggle. I find that if I can at least talk to one best friend a day or get 30 minutes of quiet time with my husband, it goes a long way for my sanity. I’m also making sure to exercise every day, which is the one thing that really grounds me.
What’s your biggest challenge right now? Working and having three little kids under the age of 5. My biggest joy is also my biggest challenge!
What is your ultimate stay at home garment that’s giving you confidence and comfort? I have a hoodie from Target that says “happy” on it that I’m ironically wearing every day to remind everyone we’re healthy and sane, and all is OK. I pair it with Carbon38 leggings!
How are you reinventing your Mother’s Day this year? With COVID, I’ve never been more thankful to have a healthy mom. I want to spend the holiday focusing on how thankful we are for all of the healthy moms out there. I’m really inspired by what one of the companies I’ve invested in has done on this front — Umbrella is working to take care of our nation’s most precious assets, our parents, by helping enable volunteers to get seniors food and medicine delivered.
About this interview series: As Mother’s Day approaches I’ve thought a lot about the importance of shining a light on all moms, particularly in the midst of this unprecedented new normal. The world is changing, but honoring and celebrating mom remains intact. Mothers come in many forms, those who gave birth to us or adopted us; our grandmothers and best friends; and those who found us in times of need and invited us into their lives. As part of my CANDID interview series, I had the pleasure of connecting with inspiring women who are mothers, founders and dynamic individuals. They share their stories of navigating the now and how they’ll re-invent Mother’s Day this year amidst this ongoing pandemic. I will add features daily to until May 10, and all will be featured on here as well. -LKS
Laura Katherine Sawyier is a women’s personal and wardrobe stylist and founder of the SALON X LKS event series. She is based in St. Louis and New York City.