Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: December

This month’s hand was played at the local dupe. Visions of extra tricks clouded some declarers’ judgment. They went down

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: October

Congratulations, bridge players. The recent St. Charles Sectional was well attended, with Jack Bryant named 2015 Player of the Year. Other

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: October

The late Charlie Wiley, one of our town’s all-time great bridge players, said, “When we are blessed with a great hand,

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: September

Bridge is going through a renaissance and experiencing a youth revival. These young players are knowledgeable, fearless and very good.

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: July

Bridge players come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Their occupations are quite varied, also—lawyers, bankers, system engineers, academics, etc.

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: June

Playing at the ‘local dupe,’ this month’s hand finds the declarers in a tough, six-spade contract. ‘Staying in the hand,’

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: April

An avoidance play works to keep the dangerous hand from winning the lead. As bridge players, we all are familiar with these

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: March

Playing at the ‘local-dupe,’ the North, South pairs bid to an aggressive four-spade contract. Defending at one table for East, West were