Town Talk

Town Talk Features

In the Know: 2.24.21

friendship village of sunset hillsSecurity officer Brandon Soehngen was commended by the Fenton Fire Department for his heroic actions. In

Town Talk Extras

Noteworthy: 2.24.21

Special SolutionsWe provide strategies that are especially helpful for success with online classes, but are applicable to success in any


Heard in the Halls: 2.10.21

principia school  | The school recently debuted two IDEA Labs, state-of-the-art innovation classrooms that combine education with hands-on experiences in


Strictly Business: 2.10.21

Katherine Park has been named interim director of health services for the Parkway School District. She has been with the

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 2.10.21

Well, well, well. Where do I begin? With the storming of the Capitol? The stunning fact that a bare-chested man