Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 8.31.16

My doctor told me to stop acting old. During my annual physical, as I went through a list of all the diseases

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 8.17.16

I learned I was allergic to bees by stepping on one in my backyard when I was a teenager. My sister, Teresa,

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 8.10.16

Where did you go to high school? Yes, that question—the one that seems bizarre to people who have not grown up in

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 7.27.16

I’ve been researching my family’s genealogy. It’s been interesting, but I got stuck on my dad’s side. His grandfather, Pat Fitzgerald, immigrated from

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 7.6.16

I recently saw Weiner, the documentray that follows former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner’s run for New York City mayor. It

Patty Unleashed

Patty Unleashed: 6.8.16

I’ve been thinking about all the kids graduating college right about now and starting their new careers. They have such hopes and