Dear Homework,
We love the country, and country was the appropriate style in the ’80s for our home on 3 acres in Wildwood. However, we never seem to get the right front look to our home. Over 30 years we have put in and torn out many shrubs. The full-sun facing façade is difficult: bricks get hot! As retirees, we don’t have a huge budget for landscaping, and my husband is ready to let it be. But what is still missing is a warm and welcoming entrance. I would love your suggestions.
—Just a Little Bit Country


Dear Just a Little Bit Country,

I agree with your assessment that your house lacks a welcoming warmth, and I admire the fact that you would remove landscaping attempts that haven’t worked out. In this case, your house is just too perfect. Most things that have a country feel have a patina: a pleasant mellowing that takes place through time and use. Your house instead looks brand-new and carefully manicured. We need to mess things up a bit. The first thing I would do is wrinkle the line of the driveway with overflowing ground cover and ornamental grasses. I also would plant some tall shade trees to frame and shade the house. Finally, a line of day lillies at the porch adds color and charm and will do well in strong sunlight.

As you can see, the property has now taken on a much more easygoing spirit and is thus more welcoming. In addition, I am showing a messy whitewash on the red brick. This helps give the façade a more farmhouse feel, and makes the different parts of the architecture blend together better. With these changes, I hope your house looks more like you originally intended; just remember to let things get a little messy. Hope that makes things a little bit more country.


[Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, president, The Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at]