Snapped! Party CoverageHope Happens | 2024Dr. Timothy Miller , Michele, Miranda and Matt Herndan 11 months ago share Dr. Timothy Miller , Michele, Miranda and Matt Herndan Jessie Abdullah, Kristin Johnson, Teri Powell, Sarah Garwood, Stacy Freckhardt Dr. Timothy Miller Spirit of Hope Award Recipient Bill Hizar, Outstanding Community Leader and Board Member Emcee and Auctioneer Paul Cook Holly and Curtis Hoette Jake Terveer, Jordan Hotard Kristen Stein, Matt Greener, Kayla Rinehart Mary and Ken Bower Don and Jen Aven Lisa and Nick Niemeyer, Robert Blaisdell, Shannon Moenahaus Lynda and Rod Kniepmann, Anne Hizar Ellen Moceri, Ellen Sheffield Honorary Event Chair, Harry and Ginger Imster Valerie Reichert, Ken Crawford, Mike and Michelle Washburn Wendy and Peter Panagos Angeline Sullivan, Steve Weidner Brian and Sarah Gordon John and Linda Martin Mike and Michelle Washburn, Denise and Kirk McDonald Dianne, Michele and Miranda Herndon, Elizabeth and Greg Cook Eric and Maggie Toman Caitlin and Ryan Shortal Sally Barker, Marcia Mellitz Anna and Jerrod Anderson Michele and Miranda Herndan, Elizabeth Cook, Dianne Herndan Abbey and Brannon Champagne Cindy Lawrence, Al Eschmann Jessica and Adam Kerschinske Anna and Nicolas Pavlishin Dave and Carol Otto, Bill and Susie Hizar Dave Otto, Bill Hizar Spirit of Hope Award, Carol Otto, Susie Hizar Sydney Menghini, Wendy Chromoga Lila Kayser, Ava Powell Scott and Jennifer Harrison Julie and Ed Devault Emily and Andrew Eastman Robert and Amy Blaisdell Natalie and Jason Ulrich Dr. Anneliese Schaefer Kevin and Cassandra Lane Sue and Barry Kraft Jeff and Dana Yenzer Susie and Bill Hizar Spirit of Hope Award Brent and Hannah Sayers Mark Menghini event chair, Wendy Menghini