I keep a notebook to jot down ideas for future columns. Sometimes they don’t turn into anything more than musings from an unsettled mind. But why let a good thought go to waste?

Did you know some people have a Happy Resting Face? I know, I’ve discussed the affliction I suffer from: resting bitch face (RBF, which Kanye, Queen Elizabeth and Anna Kendrick also suffer from). When my face is at rest, I look mad, and have been told for years to “smile” by people I don’t know but whom I want to punch. Well, I just learned there is a group of people who suffer from Happy Resting Face (HRF). These people must deal with strangers who constantly approach them for directions and who are surprised when they swear. And to quote one of my favorite characters, Kate Chastain, from the reality TV show Below Deck, the only ones who should have a happy resting face are lunatics and labradors.

Is karma responsible for me tripping and tearing my expensive jeans? I like nice clothes, but when it comes to blue jeans, I usually am fine with less expensive brands, mostly because I can’t really tell the difference between a $78 pair and a $212 pair. However, I recently tried on an expensive pair and fit into a much smaller size, so of course I bought them! I thought all my working out and portion control was paying off. (Please do not ruin this by talking about vanity sizing in the clothing industry.) So, there I was walking in Kirkwood, in my small jeans and flip-flops, when I tripped. I tried to recover but ended up on all fours on the sidewalk. I quickly looked around to see if anyone saw me (no), then went to meet my siblings at PJs Tavern for lunch, where I received a fair amount of mocking for my inability to walk and a Band-Aid to stop the bleeding. That’s when I noticed the tear in my jeans. Hmm. Was this karma for spending so much on them? Or was I just a klutz? We’ll never know—I mean, I’ll never know; you probably don’t care.

Why does no one like me? I may need to quit all social media. You see, I have begun to measure my self-worth by the number of ‘likes’ I get on my Facebook and Instagram posts. It has become a vicious cycle. I do my best to like other friends’ posts with the assumption that they will return the favor, and when they don’t, well, what am I to assume other than they don’t like me? Not me exactly, but my posts. It is starting to affect my self-esteem. Actually, I wonder if I’ve gotten boring, which would be way worse than not being liked.

Don’t forget to vote! This election, this election, this election! I can’t wait for it to be over, and I love politics. But this one makes me want to scream. Everyone needs to get out and vote. If you aren’t sure who to vote for, I’d be happy to tell you, but I suspect you have already made up your mind. Remember, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain for the next four years—that ought to be incentive enough for anyone!

Contact Patty at phannum@townandstyle.com.