I am a big believer in New Year’s resolutions. Some years I am successful, others not so much. But I’m in good company there; apparently only 8 percent of resolutions are achieved. So here is what I have lined up for this year:

Say one nice thing to myself each day. And it can’t be, “You’re so funny!” Most of us are our harshest critics. I first realized this was true when I worked at The Limited. Regardless of their size, no one, and I mean no one, looked in the mirror without saying, “Does this make me look fat?” This is the year I will break the cycle. I am not going to look for anyone else to be nice to me until I am nice to me. So, yes, every morning begins with me talking to myself. And by the way, as long as I am saying something nice to myself, I think I also will say something nice to my husband. After being married 32 years, we both deserve it.

Take a chance. I didn’t realize I had stopped taking chances until a recent vacation. An old friend commented, “The Patty Hannum I knew never would have been so risk averse.” And that’s when it hit me: As I have aged, I have gained wisdom, and with wisdom has come an unwillingness to take chances. Everything scares me: nature, what’s in the ocean or the bottom of the lake, different foods, and new experiences. I have become set in my ways. I thought this was because I finally didn’t care what anyone else thought. But upon further reflection, I think it’s because I am a big scaredy cat. So this year, before I say no to new experiences and adventures, I am going to ask myself, “Why not?” If I don’t have a really good reason, I am going to pull on my big-girl panties and make myself do it. Oh, and if it ends badly, just remember: it was my friend Jamie who made me do it.

Reconnect with old friends. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by lots of friends. There are numerous people I can call who will listen to me whine and cry. But over the years, I’ve let a few friends slip away. In some cases, we stopped seeing each other because our kids grew up or we no longer worked together. Or perhaps we had a misunderstanding that never got resolved. So this year, I am going to make an effort to reconnect with those ‘missing links.’ Consider this fair warning to any of my long lost friends: If you are happy being lost, don’t answer your phone when I call. I will want to get together for coffee or a drink because it’s my New Year’s resolution.

I hope you noticed that not a single resolution has to do with weight loss, although I could lose a few pounds, eat better and exercise more. Unfortunately, when I make those types of resolutions, I never succeed. I am hoping with this approach, I will fall into the 8 percent who do succeed. And who couldn’t use a few old ‘new’ friends?

Contact Patty at phannum@townandstyle.com.