My parents apparently had a life—a fun life—that they failed to include their six little darlings in. Or you could say they loved each other a bit more than any of their kids. I know it is an odd opening statement, but you will understand by the end. I promise.

There were five remaining boxes from my long deceased parents that I could never bring myself to go through. My parents were not a sentimental pair. We took very few photos regardless of the occasion. My parents never pretended we were artists so there were no kindergarten paintings or handmade knick knacks cluttering up the place. Baby blankies were tossed after the final use. When each of us moved out, we got a photo album my mom put together of us as children. A loving gesture but as the youngest of six mine was awfully thin. So much so that my mom tried to pass off my older sister’s baby picture as mine. It didn’t work—I was a redhead, and Teresa was not.

Anyway, my sister very kindly offered to go through the last few of their belongings with me. I was reluctant because I miss my parents and just didn’t feel like poking around their stuff, but one afternoon, we tackled the remaining boxes where we found evidence of the secret life they had been living. The boxes were full of photo albums, not of their family, but of all the amazing trips they took once the kids had flown the coop. There was mom and dad in Ireland, Italy, London and Canada without a child in sight. These two, forever married, had a life that included not one of their kids! Stunning! It was how I felt after I realized my parents actually, well, had sex. (Oh, don’t think about your own parents whatever you do!) So that was the scam they pulled. Have six kids in 13 years and then wait until they leave before you bring out the real fun!

Now let me be clear, all of us were loved, a few even cherished (Tim), all of us fed and educated and grew up in a funny, quirky family that made us who we are today. But our family vacations were float trips and camping. No hotels for the eight of us—we communed with nature. My parents were holding on to their plans for international travel until we all left. No feeling bad because you left someone at home. No, just leave their six kids plus spouses plus grandchildren and fly here and there for a holiday. My parents had a life! No rocking chairs for these two. Play dates with grandkids? Hmm not necessary until they could play Scrabble or fish. Yes, my parents spent the last twenty years together having fun!

My sister and I got through the boxes pretty quickly with donate, pitch and pass on piles. A few random family pictures were found, copied and sent along, but do you keep every photo album of your parents and their fun filled adventures with people whose names you weren’t completely sure of? Well, that will be up to you when your time comes. I must dash. It is time to put together my photo album of Alaska. Peace my peeps.