t&s saw it

T&S Saw It - Movie Reviews

Review: Entourage

One reason the most famous show ‘about nothing’ was a nine-season success is that we cared about the characters: we

T&S Saw It - Movie Reviews

Review: Belle

Calling all Jane Austen junkies: This one’s for you. The issues of class and gender that create such delicious 18th-century drama in

T&S Saw It - Movie Reviews

Review: Bad Words

I need to remember that good actors don’t always make good movies. That’s how I got roped into seeing Bad Words, starring

T&S Saw It - Movie Reviews

Review: Pompeii

If you’re seeking a compelling, historically accurate understanding of the 79 A.D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its impact on the nearby

T&S Saw It - Movie Reviews

Review: That Awkward Moment

Dreamy 20-something actors? Check. Improbably beautiful New York City apartments? Check. Well-crafted dialogue and engaging storylines? Well, two out of three ain’t bad.

T&S Saw It - Movie Reviews

Review: The Monuments Men

This movie was a real disappointment, especially considering its potential. Great storyline, amazing actors (Clooney, Damon, Blanchett, Goodman, Dujardin, Murray), but it has

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