washington university physicians

Health Cover Stories

Valid Options: Washington University Physicians

In the worst case, fibroids can grow to the size of a grapefruit and enlarge the uterus as much as a

Health Cover Stories

Healthy Weight Loss: Washington University Physicians

Weight loss can be a tricky business. Anyone who’s ever been ‘on a diet’ knows that. For some, losing a few

Health Cover Stories

Pain Relief: Washington University Physicians

As anyone who’s experienced even minor pain knows, it can be distracting at best and debilitating at worst. Those suffering

Health Cover Stories

Better Beauty: Washington University Physicians

It’s no surprise that noninvasive facial procedures are being widely embraced by patients. After all, we all want to look

Health Cover Stories

Proactive Health: Washington University Physicians

Heart disease takes the life of one woman every minute in the United States. More than one-third of adults in

Health Cover Stories

More Options: Washington University Physicians

There was a time when going under the knife was the only way to turn back the clock of aging. Thanks

Health Cover Stories

Know Your Heart: W. U. Physicians

Though the words ‘heart attack’ bring to mind a red-faced male clutching his chest in agony, heart disease is an

Health Cover Stories

Loud & Clear: Washington University Physicians

“Words mean more than what is set down on paper,” said the late poet Maya Angelou. “It takes the human voice

Health Cover Stories

Washington University Physicians

Forewarned is forearmed. This old proverb, dating back to the 16th century, means the same now as it did then: advance