Losing weight is hard work, and no one knows that better than Amy Bell. The 33-year-old mother of two and executive assistant at Mitch Murch Maintenance Management lost 267 pounds in five years. She didn’t use surgery, just embraced a lifestyle makeover, completely changing her eating and exercise habits. She shares her story to show others they have the power to take control of their health.

Have you always struggled with weight?
I’ve been a big girl since birth. I was a large teen and a large adult, but I was always very active and never had health issues.

When did you decide to make this big effort to change?
It was April 26, 2009—five years ago. I had gone to the doctor and the nurse put me on the scale and said I weighed 446 pounds. I argued with her, “That’s not right.” I’d always been in the 300s, but getting it up to 446 was just too much. I took a good look at myself and said, What am I doing with my life?

What was your process?
I started by just being a little more active and watching what I ate. That phased into getting a gym membership. It was exciting and intimidating at the same time. But I’m not a shy person; you gotta go in and do it. I started strength training and that really helped. I’d seen a nutritionist at one point and did a lot of reading. I realized which foods work best for my body, when to eat and how much to eat. Two years ago, I gave up sugar and soda. It’s not dieting, it’s just healthy living. I have such an issue with the diet industry; I’ve done every fad diet possible, and that’s just not a proper way to live.

Have there been any unexpected consequences of your weight loss?
I’ve gone from a size 34 to a size 12, so just when I got into a size, a week later, it was too big! Much of the time I was pinning my clothes. The excessive skin on my arms and stomach is frustrating because, as hard as I worked, I still can’t wear sleeveless shirts. I need skin-removal surgery, but it’s costly.

What’s been the best reward?
Teaching my children about a healthy lifestyle and being able to pass that knowledge along to them.

What advice do you have for others trying to lose weight?
You need to move your body and take care of what you put into it. If you really want to make big changes, you have to have big dedication. It takes sacrifice, but it’s so worth it.

Tell me about your current eating plan.
I’m extremely strict. Whole foods are what you need, no middle-of-the-grocery store processed foods. I will never eat sugar: It wreaks havoc on the body and it’s highly addictive. Once you get away from it, you don’t want it anymore. If I’m going to have something off the regular meal plan, it will be on Saturday nights, and it will be French fries. At restaurants, there are healthy options. You can always ask for that hamburger without the bun.

[amy’s every-three-hours plan]

  • In the morning, I have protein: two whole eggs, one egg white, and half a cup of oats with cinnamon.
  • Three hours later: a protein shake and a quarter-cup of almonds.
  • Three hours later: 4 ounces of chicken and a cup of broccoli.
  • Three hours later: a protein shake.
  • Three hours later: lean protein and a cup of green vegetables.
  • Right before bed: a cup of spinach and 3 ounces of chicken.
  • I drink 10 liters of water a day.

By Rebecca Koenig
Photo by Bill Barrett

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