Congratulations to Dave Peacock (pictured above), civic leader and former Anheuser-Busch pres, who was named the Clayton Chamber of Commerce 2015 Pillar of the Community. Peacock, chair of the St. Louis Sports Commission, also serves as a member of the advisory board of Lewis & Clark Ventures, which supports the local start-up community.

Hometowner Nancy Friedman has been named to the list of Favorite Speakers for 2015 by Meetings & Convention magazine. Known as The Telephone Doctor, Friedman is widely recognized as an authority on customer service, sales and communication skills. She is a resident of Town & Country and has appeared on Oprah, Today, CNN and other national programs.

A big round of applause to all the fine teachers recognized by the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Awards, held recently at The Ritz-Carlton. The local program honors outstanding teachers, selected by their school administration. Among those honored in our readership area are: Melika Panneri of The Wilson School, Tamara Lay of Conway Elementary and Craig Sucher of Clayton High School.

Local author Carol Swartout Klein was recently honored with the Jerry Paul Youth Advocacy Award by Neighborhood Houses for helping children through her book, Painting for Peace in Ferguson. Previously, the book won the Independent Publishers’ 2015 Outstanding Book of the Year Award Gold Medal, one of only nine selected from 6,000 applicants.
Dr. Gary A. Silverman has been named to head the W.U. School of Medicine’s department of pediatrics. The highly regarded neonatologist comes from the University of Pittsburgh, where he serves as vice chair for basic research. Effective in April, Silverman succeeds Dr. Alan L. Schwartz, who led the department of pediatrics since 1995.
Pictured: Dave Peacock