As the temperatures slowly begin to climb and spring break inches closer, it’s time to get serious about your sun-kissed summer skin. But before you hit the beach, check out these five simple steps for getting a tan from a bottle without those unhealthy UV rays.

1> Exfoliate
Thoroughly, yet gently, exfoliate your body to achieve a smooth and even tan. Lush’s stimulating Ginger and Fennel Sugar Scrub works to reduce signs of cellulite and unattractive bumps while the lavender and ginger promote healthier skin. Once you’re done scrubbing in the shower, be sure to rinse off, getting in every hard-to reach corner.

2> Moisturize
Use the body lotion of your choice, and be sure to thoroughly moisturize between your fingers and toes, knuckles, palms of your hands, knees, elbows and underarms. Using unscented lotion is best. Be sure to let the lotion sink into your skin to avoid a streaky tan later.

3> Application
It may sound a bit odd in theory, but applying sunless tanning lotion with latex gloves is one of the easiest and most effective methods for keeping your hands streak free. Once you’ve finished applying your sunless tanning lotion of choice, use a cotton wool pad to gently apply a small amount of the lotion on your hands.

4> Hard-to-Reach Spots
Unless you’re enlisting the help of a close friend or significant other, applying tanning lotion to your back is nothing short of impossible. Simply add a large cotton cosmetic square to a wooden back scratcher and you can cover every hard-to-reach spot. You can even use Vaseline around your hairline and eyebrows to avoid splotches in the worst place possible: your face.

5> Post-Tan
Make sure you allow enough time for the tanning lotion to sink in before getting dressed. Wear dark, loose-fitting clothing and avoid tight undergarments for at least an hour postapplication. Once your tan has settled in, you can fix any unsightly spots with either nail polish remover or alcohol-based toner. Simply rub it in with a cotton ball to remove any leftover residue. Use a clean towel and lightly pat any areas in a circular motion that may have accumulated a bit too much lotion. Remember: pat, don’t rub.

6> Retaining Your Tan
Repeat steps 1 and 2 regularly to retain your new tan. It will last longer and leave you with a gorgeous, natural-looking tan without pesky tan lines or unsightly streaks.

By Marylyn Simpson