For native Texan Sarah Evans, moving to St. Louis three years ago was a major transition. In order to live near her daughter and son-in-law, she left the Dallas/ Fort Worth area, which had always been home.

Fortunately, The Gatesworth’s accommodations have allowed Evans to maintain her beauty and fitness routine. Her biggest adjustment was the climate change—which Evans admits has been an improvement in one way, at least. “My hair does seem to work better here than in Texas,” she says. “It seems to stay fairly disciplined, even in the heat.” She says The Gatesworth salon offers what most women want from a hair appointment: convenience
and consistency. Evans loves having a salon on the grounds and has been going to the same stylist for quite some time. “I have a standing appointment once a week, and that way I don’t have to fuss with it myself,” she says.

But looking (and feeling) good is about more than just good hair, Evans notes. A large part of her weekly routine includes staying active, something she believes promotes a stronger lifestyle. “Exercise has so many benefits,” she says. “It positively affects your mood and helps your stamina and weight. Maintaining your health just gets more important as you age.”

Evans has always incorporated fitness into her lifestyle. “As an adult, I’ve always worked out and enjoyed going to the gym,” she says. “I used to love riding my bike and bowling.” Evans worked with a personal trainer in Texas and says fitness instructor Charlie Foxman has taken over that role at The Gatesworth.

“I work with him in group classes twice a week for 45 minutes and one-on-one once a week for an hour,” she says. “Charlie helps residents maintain their strength and focus on their personal goals in class.” Group sessions involve conditioning exercises, weights and 15 minutes of t’ai chi. She says her personal sessions are more strenuous. “We use the treadmill, stationary bike and weight-lifting machines for a total body workout.”

As a supplement to her routine, Evans enjoys walking outside when the weather allows. “The nice thing about living here is that I’m welcome to go to the fitness center whenever I want,” she says.

[the routine]
beauty routine | I get my hair done every week with the same stylist at The Gatesworth salon. I wear it short, get it colored and typically have a perm.
fitness routine | I work with Charlie Foxman at The Gatesworth three times a week. Two days are group classes for 45 minutes and one day is a personal session for one hour. My routine involves conditioning exercises, cardio, weight-lifting and t’ai chi.

Pictured: Sarah Evans
Photo: Tim Parker Photography