One thing that should not get lost among the many concerns during end-of-life planning is how to leave a legacy. Friends and family will remember you, of course, but how will the rest of the world? YouthBridge Community Foundation makes the answer easy with its planned giving services, which see to it that philanthropic dollars benefit local nonprofits. “People contributing today feel good to know they’re continuing to contribute after they’ve passed away,” says Michael Howard, YouthBridge CEO.

As its name suggests, YouthBridge connects resources with community needs, especially children’s issues. The organization works with donors’ financial advisers to incorporate charitable giving in their wealth management plans. “We think financial advisers can differentiate themselves from their competition and improve the satisfaction of their clients by including YouthBridge in that holistic planning process,” Howard says.

Because of its origins as an orphanage, YouthBridge has special expertise in youth issues, but it guides donors in supporting nonprofits of all kinds. “We uncover what the client’s ultimate goal and areas of interest are,” Howard says. “Some may say, ‘I’m interested in global warming, can you help me understand that space and where funds are needed?’ If a donor asks about environmental issues, it is our staff’s responsibility to research that particular issue and present what those findings mean to the donor.”

One innovative way YouthBridge offers to give back is its charitable gift cards. The tax-deductible presents allow recipients to select which charity the gift card will support. “We call it, ‘giving the gift of giving,’” Howard says. With all the restrictions on gift giving in the business world, the charitable gift cards offer corporations a way to reward valued employees or clients with donations to their favorite causes. “It’s a way for a business to do well while also doing good in the community,” Howard says.

YouthBridge also helps nonprofits improve their business models and reach financial sustainability by guiding them to diversify their income streams and build stronger balance sheets. “There are key business concepts that sometimes get overlooked in the nonprofit world,” Howard explains. “Nonprofits are sometimes forced to live a life of poverty, but they don’t have to.” YouthBridge’s matching funds program helps them build endowment funds. The low-cost, high-quality investing solutions available through YouthBridge may save nonprofits big dollars in fees.

Planned giving serves both donors and nonprofits, Howard explains: “There’s almost $50 billion being transferred from one generation to the next in the next 10 to 20 years in St. Louis.” But because nonprofits are sometimes uncomfortable broaching the subject with even their strongest supporters, YouthBridge facilitates the discussion. “We’re teaching them how to be a catalyst for those conversations,” Howard says. In addition to passing on wealth to worthy causes, Howard believes planned giving instills a charitable perspective in donors’ family members. “We help donors understand how philanthropic giving can teach their children about values and giving back,” he says. To that end, YouthBridge hosts seminars to teach families how to discuss philanthropy.

Photo by YouthBridge
Pictured: CEO Michael Howard

[YouthBridge is located at 12685 Olive Blvd. For more information, call 314.985.6778 or visit]