It’s been a long, cold winter, and I don’t know about you, but it feels pretty good to see the sun break through the clouds. Never has the promise of spring been more welcome witless than a month to go!
In my family, it’s been a tough start to the new year, and I know many of you are struggling with the same things as well: aging parents, senior care and all of the hard decisions that often need to be made quicker than you are prepared to make them. I’m getting through this with the help of my family and friends … and the pages of Town&Style. I have been so grateful to open each issue (and find information in our archives on to read about T&S partners and supporters who are experts in areas unfamiliar to me. I trust them to be a reliable resource, and you can, too.
What I have quickly realized and want to remind you of, my readers and new friends, is that your T&S family is just that: a group who has your back and offers honest, helpful resources and information. While we will continue to bring you all of the pretty, fun, humorous and stylish content, we also bring your news on ‘real life’ that everyone faces daily. I promised you when I joined the team that you would get to know Karen one issue at a time, and you are. On this journey, I hope we learn about and lean on each other in print and in person.
So, as spring pushes through the clouds, I want to say that we’re here, for both the celebrations and the tough times. And whether you’re reading this in a doctor’s office or day spa, or experiencing a happy or difficult day, please remember that