Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: December

This month’s column is a great example of good bidding and good card play, a combination that secured North/South’s 12-trick

Bridge with Bland

Bridge With Bland: October

Whose hand is it anyway? Bridge-wise, the answer is often unclear. Imagine being at the table, in any of the four seats,

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: September

When playing duplicate bridge, making your contract with an ‘up-trick’ will usually enhance your score, but ferreting out that added

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: August

At the ‘local dupe,’ North (rosecolored glasses) bid too much and placed South in a seemingly unmakable 7 NT. ‘No

Bridge with Bland

Bridge With Bland: June

The bridge player’s mantra: Bid like an expert. Play like a pro. South, playing in the recent May sectional, lived

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: April

One of the “cool” things about bridge is we can play against world class players no matter our skill level.

Bridge with Bland

Bridge with Bland: March

Declarer’s play at bridge is not unlike a football quarterback going through his progressions to find an open receiver. This month’s hand