When Shirley Barken started selling cosmetics at Famous-Barr, Lancôme carried only two products (lipstick and moisturizer), and mascara brushes were a new invention that sold for a dollar. That was nearly 60 years ago. Now 87 and still working in the fragrance department at Macy’s five days a week, she is famously referred to as Miss Shirley by her co-workers and dozens of regular customers who refuse to buy from anyone else.

Q | How did you start selling cosmetics?
A | I’ve always been into makeup. I really wanted to be a prima ballerina, but my doctor ruled that out after I broke both legs as a little girl. My husband Gene and I will be married 63 years this month. He’s a retired pharmacist, and we had a drugstore in University City called Barken’s Delmar Loop Pharmacy, where we sold cosmetics, too. Walgreens moved in across the street, which forced us to close, so I got a job at Famous-Barr. I worked there for 50 years before it became Macy’s eight years ago.

Q | You were featured in a recent book on Famous-Barr?
A | The author of Famous-Barr: St. Louis Shopping at Its Finest was going through archives at the history museum and wanted to include me because I was written up more than any other employee! I couldn’t believe it. I signed copies at the museum, and people come into the store to have their picture taken with me and the book.

Q | What has changed since you started?
A | Prices! They are so much higher now; you can’t get anything for under $50. And when I started, I would work for up to 20 different lines at once. The makeup and fragrance companies paid me a salary and commission, not the department store. They would approach me to sell for them, but that changed around 1980.

Q | Have you met celebrities who visited Famous-Barr?
A | The Gabor sisters came when they had a cosmetic line, and I met Oscar de la Renta. In 1992, Elizabeth Taylor came for the launch of White Diamonds. I sold the most out of any other employee, so I sat next to her at the banquet dinner. She was the sweetest thing, and so gorgeous! She gave me a diamond necklace, which I still have. I never wore it because I didn’t want to lose it. And in the ‘70s, Coty Cosmetics sent me to Miami for the Miss Universe pageant, and I did the contestants’ makeup.

Q | Do you have a signature scent?
A | My favorite is Chanel No. 5, and I wear Juicy Couture’s original scent almost every day. I think every woman should have a signature scent but also try something new once in a while. Some women buy for the name and not the scent, but just wear what you like!

Q | Any beauty tips?
A | I often get asked how I have no wrinkles at my age, and it’s because I didn’t sit in the sun growing up, so protect yourself from the sun! Don’t buy a ton of expensive products you don’t need; I found a great moisturizer at Wal-Mart that works. Someone from Max Factor once told me to wear brighter lipstick as you age, because then your lips will be the first thing people notice and not your wrinkles!

Q | Why do you still work after all these years?
A | I love it. My friends think I’m nuts and don’t understand how I can stand on my feet all day, but my feet don’t complain! Everyone at the store is so nice to me, and I love all the girls I work with.

Photo: Bill Barrett

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