Alex Verseman of Missouri Floor Company

What is popular in flooring right now?
Wood is as popular as ever. Homeowners are opting for cooler tones. The biggest change is that people want their flooring to be unique, whether it’s color, cut or width of the board. Homeowners want a floor that reflects who they are as individuals rather than a more manufactured product.

How can you customize a wood floor?
You start with choosing the species of woods and width of the board. A lot of people are moving away from the traditional shape, and there is a trend toward wider, more plank-like boards. You also can incorporate color and other finish applications. We’re seeing people introduce greys and even whites to give a cooler look to the wood. You can create a lot of unique outcomes.

Are you seeing people looking for different qualities in their flooring?
Not so much in main living areas or with wood floors. In more specialized spaces, homeowners are paying more attention to how their floor coverings perform. A big trend we’ve seen since the start of the pandemic is home gyms. People need a floor that offers support and cushioning so they can comfortably work out from home.

Do you have any advice for choosing  the right flooring?
Start by talking with a professional, whether it’s a designer, contractor or flooring expert. A designer can help you dream up your ideal look, and a contractor can make it a reality and ensure you aren’t set up for failure with the project. Sometimes, something may look great, but if it’s not functional for the homeowner, it’s ultimately not going to work. A white floor may look great on day one, but it’s going to take more work to maintain. However, don’t be afraid to dream big. Flood coverings can be a fun and unique aspect of a home.

Are there any trends that are on their way out?
Traditional strip hardwood with a more narrow board is less popular. On the color side of things, people shy away from yellowish tones, which are present in some traditional finishes. Homeowners generally want to stay away from anything with a yellowing or ambering effect.