Dear Homework,
I have designed the interior of my house into a cottage-style home. Please help me complete the exterior in the same style without painting the brick.
—Dreaming of the Country


Dear Dreaming of the Country,

Your desire to bring a ‘country feel’ to your home raises the question, “What does ‘country’ mean?” While the usual images of charming farm houses and barns or wheat fields and rolling hills come to mind, they aren’t very helpful in this case. Instead, I am going to interpret the term as also meaning casual, asymmetrical and welcoming.

To begin with, your simple ranch home is, at least, style-neutral, framed with a large shade tree and benefiting from an uphill position. You also have used shutters and flower boxes to soften the feel of the home. You will note, however, that I have altered both these features in minor ways to give them a more authentic feel. In addition, I have re-imagined the front porch with new wood columns and an arched top, which gives it considerably more character.

As a final change, simple picket-fence-like handrails replace more formal iron railings. The house now looks as country as it can without major structural changes. The changes to the landscape also help bring a welcoming feel to the property. An undulating, continuous bed of shrubs, flowers and grasses add an element of joy to the property while drawing the eye to the full width of the composition. An informal clump of evergreens at the right blocks the view of a neighboring garage door.

In the end, these changes impart a more welcoming feel that is the essence of a country mindset.
Hope that helps,

[Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, president, The Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at]