[missouri cures education foundation speaker’s series]
As part of the Missouri Cures Education Foundation Speakers Series, Dr. Randall Bateman of Washington University School of Medicine gave an update on the international Alzheimer’s clinical trial.

[my bodyworks!]
The wonders of the human body were explored in song, dance and skits for young children and their families at the My Bodyworks! concert and family fun fair at the St. Louis Public Library Central branch. The event featured entertainers Steven Schoenberg and Maya Sharpe.
[doorways interfaith aids housing and services]
Doorways Interfaith AIDS Housing and Services celebrated its 25th anniversary of working to improve the quality of life for people affected by HIV/AIDS in the St. Louis Region.
[siteman cancer center]
Just in from the North Pole, Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis GM Alper Oztok delivered unwrapped toys and gift cards to patients receiving treatment at Children’s Hospital and Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center. The presents were donated by guests of Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis and donors of the Siteman Cancer Center at the hotel’s fifth annual tree lighting.

[st. louis ending violence against women network]
St. Louis Ending Violence Against Women Network sponsored an awards recognition breakfast for individuals and organizations who have gone above and beyond to help domestic violence survivors, including Scottrade, Franciscan Sisters of Mary, Sr. Rose Mary Dowling, Alma Avdic-Bjedic, Jasmina Junuzovic, The Doubletree Hotel, Union Station, LaDonna Howard, CJ Spencer, The Women’s Safe House, Sarah Hellmann and Husch Blackwell.
Pictured: Dr, Randall Bateman, Dena Ladd