Hello! I am back. Did you notice I was gone? Patty Unleashed has been on hiatus the past few months. Why? I ran out of things to talk about. Hard to imagine, but it’s true. My brain went blank! I have things to talk about now, but unfortunately, some of them are not fit for a family newspaper. You know I am itching to dive into the latest stories about politics, but last time I did that, well, let us just say not everyone agreed with me.
So, let’s catch up. How are you and the family? Certain branches of mine are adorable. Oh, you want to talk about the grandkids? Well, okay. Robbie is four and no longer willing to hug me. He barely will give me a high five. No, the kid belongs to his Hampa. Both of them like to take things apart and then, sometimes, put them back together. Though Robbie much prefers the destruction of things so he ‘can see how things work.’ Dennis is one, and if I am honest, he also prefers his grandpa even when I have his favorite foods. He is a little towhead and always has a smile. Both kids are definitely brag worthy.
The rest of the family is good. My brother Mike and his wife Pam hosted a swim party for all 50 or so of us on the hottest day this summer. Nearly everyone who lives in town showed up and a few, including my Tess, came from out of town. All you need to attract my family is a pool and food, which there was plenty of. It happened to fall on Dennis’ (brother and old versus grandson and young) birthday so we were forced to act like this party was for him. Pam had a cake and everything, which meant we had to sing “Happy Birthday.” No neighbors complained about our lack of musical ability so I consider that a win.
I have been a wee bit bored so I have decided I need to do some volunteer work. If you read Town&Style in June, you know there are a large number of organizations that need help. I think I’m best suited for the Humane Society. I just need to fill out the form. Anyone want to come with me? I am pretty sure they limit the animals to just dogs and cats. If reptiles are involved, I may need to find a different place. You know I can’t even walk past the Reptile House at the Saint Louis Zoo. I am convinced those slithering creatures are planning a break out, and it would be just like that movie Snakes on a Plane. Yeah, I cannot do that. I am good with dogs. Just ask Stella and Stanley, the two who live with me. Though like my grandchildren, they prefer my husband. Hmm, there seems to be a trend here.
OK, now that we are all caught up it is time to get back to me making you laugh. I will see if that can happen in the next issue. Peace my Peeps.