Design on My Mind

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Design on my mind: 9.14.16

It’s always interesting to see trends come and go. Younger designers often have little idea (or interest, sometimes) in where certain trends began. Take nailheads. These


Design on my mind: 8.16.2016

Some 40 years ago a building was going up that made a definite statement. The local General American Life Insurance Building at 706 Market


Design On My Mind: 6.22.16

I knew it, but I don’t believe most people realize Joan Rivers was a keen and accomplished collector of fine


Design On My Mind: 6.8.16

Let me be clear: I don’t love to garden, but I do love seeing the gardens of people who do!


Design On My Mind: 5.11.16

trading tips: taxidermy Let me start by stating I am neither advocating nor condemning the use of animals in design.


Design on my Mind: 4.13.16

come to terms with: toile de jouy From the beginning of time, our world and economy has been driven by the latest


Design On My Mind: 3.9.16

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, Asia must have felt very flattered for the past three centuries. The


Design on My Mind: 2.17.16

kennedy auction History sells. If you don’t believe it, look at the amazing experience I had recently while assisting with a Leslie