trend report

Beauty Features

Trend Report: Korean Beauty Products

It’s almost impossible to turn on the TV or flip through a magazine and not see an ad for BB cream

Beauty Features

Trend Report: Everything’s Coming Up Roses

Have you noticed a profusion of roses lately? And I don’t mean in your garden, but on your bathroom counter.

Beauty Features

Trend Report: Colored Eyeliner

Looking to add a little color to your daily makeup routine? Instead of going for the obvious red lipstick, let

Beauty Features

Trend Report: Glitter & Glitz

The holidays are soon upon us, and we all know what that means: more makeup. While we might want to

Beauty Features

Trend Report: Natural Products

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of what they put into their bodies. It started with a desire for foods without

Beauty Features

Trend Report: Face Oils

When it comes to oily skin, fighting oil with oil may seem counterintuitive. But natural oil offers a broad spectrum of benefits