tv » ozark (seaso2). Netflix.
You need to watch season one if you haven’t already because season two is amazing. While the pace of the first season was slower, this round, things move quickly as the Byrde family still tries to keep ahead of the drug cartel and act like a normal family living in the Ozarks. The idea that women tend to be gentler and kinder gets blown up along the way. Again, Laura Linney and Jason Bateman are outstanding.

book » fear: trump in the white house by Bob Woodward.
Yes, I read this in one day. No, there is nothing here that you have not heard or read before if you follow the news. Should you read it? Yes, because Bob Woodward is a great writer and actually presents a balanced picture of the White House without adding his own opinion.

app »

No quirky or cute rhetoric here. MyRadar is a simple and visually beautiful weather radar app that lets you customize the map view, receive severe weather alerts from other users on the ground and even watch live videos from storm chasers. It’s a very good everyday weather forecast app as well.