parent trap

Town Talk Features

Parent Trap: 12.11.19

living the holiday spirit Ten runners lined up at the starting blocks to run the 100-yard dash at a Special

Town Talk Features

Parent Trap: College Freshmen

A 2018 study by the American College Health Association found that 67% of female students and 54% of male students

Health Features

Parent Trap: Where did you go to college?

The perception among teens (and their parents) is that where you go to college is the most important determinant for future success.

Health Features

Get Out of His Way!

Fathers and sons have had their own unique dance since the dawn of mankind. The following are some best practices for raising sons that

Health Features

Parent Trap: Eighth-Grade Stress

Not long ago, I asked a group of eighth-grade girls what was causing the most stress in their lives, and

Town Talk Features

Parent Trap: Prom Night, Boys and Boundaries

Dear Daughter, First of all, know that I love you and want the very best for you. I realize you are no

Health Features

Parent Trap: Rx For Girls & Weight

Bonnie, 7, looked at a photo of herself and her older sister and said, “Abby is so pretty, and I’m

Health Features

Parent Trap: Finding Your Tribe

Meg was terrified of public speaking, and when it was her turn to speak as the valedictorian of her eighth

Health Features

Parent Trap: Embracing Quirky Kids

Here’s to the kids who are different, the kids who don’t always get As, The kids who have ears twice

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