Patty Hannum

Town Talk Features

Patty Unleashed: 5.13.15

I’ve always believed in having friends who are both smarter than me and have different interests than I do. Well,


Backtalk: 5.6.15

Whenever I am not feeling well, one of my friends always suggests some sort of herbal concoction she has heard about.

Town Talk Features

Patty Unleashed: 5.6.15

Let me help you with your Mother’s Day shopping. This year, forget about buying your mom a new robe, body scrub or

Town Talk Features

Patty Unleashed: 4.29.15

Have you seen the commercials featuring Mindy Kaling for Nationwide Insurance? Mindy is treated as if she is invisible: She

Town Talk Features

Patty Unleashed: 4.15.15

When I hear people say, “I rarely watch TV, and when I do it’s PBS,” I typically nod in agreement, even though

Town Talk Features

Back Talk: 3.18.15

My friend loves her dog and kisses it on the nose. She will then turn to kiss me or one

Leisure Features

Medium-To-No Luck

Prior to my career as an advice columnist, I worked for a financial services firm, where I learned the value

Feature Story

Getting On a Reality Show

When my son Jack announced his engagement, my friend gave me some great advice. She said: The wedding is not


Backtalk: 1.28.15

I am now at the age when my friends are starting to have grandchildren, and every lunch includes pictures. Some

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