Raschelle Burton


Backtalk: 5.6.15

Whenever I am not feeling well, one of my friends always suggests some sort of herbal concoction she has heard about.


Backtalk: 1.28.15

I am now at the age when my friends are starting to have grandchildren, and every lunch includes pictures. Some


Back Talk: 12.10.14

I am a middle-aged woman and I want to make new friends. I have plenty of old friends, but sometimes


BackTalk: 11.26.14

I have a friend who always makes plans and inevitably cancels at the last minute. I am beginning to take


Backtalk: 10.29.14

I have a friend who always seems to ask really personal questions, like “Are you two thinking about getting married?” She


Back Talk: 10.1.14

I graduated from a prestigious university on the East Coast, and every fall my friends and acquaintances ask me to


Backtalk: 6.25.14

I have a friend who is a ‘soft talker.’ When we are out to dinner she speaks so softly that


Backtalk: 3.19.14

Question: I am invited to quite a few home clothing and jewelry parties. I am always up for getting together

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