[salvation army]
The Salvation Army’s second annual Behind the Red Shield Gala welcomed more than 200 guests and supporters as it raised funds for vital services and programs that serve more than 200,000 residents every year.
Pictured above: John Diehl, Kelly Diehl, Divisional Commander Maj. Lonneal Richardson
[friends of the saint louis university liver center]
At the sixth annual Shoot for a Cure at Strathalbyn Farms Club, sponsors and guests helped raise more than\ $77,000 to support research at the Saint Louis University Liver Center. The event also promoted understanding and awareness of liver disease.[amini’s]
Amini’s Home, Rugs, Game Room and Jaffe Lighting recently celebrated the grand opening of its newly redesigned rug department at the Chesterfield location.
Pictured: Arash and Dana Amini and Rajeanna and Mack Amini

[rosati-kain high school]
Rosati-Kain High School recently celebrated its new $4.5 million facility, made possible by the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy campaign. The new space provides larger collaborative areas for students and allows the school to incorporate essential technologies.
Pictured: President Sr. Joan Andert, Mary Beth Schmid Daniels, Kathleen Palumbo
[st. louis symphony orchestra & the gatesworth]
Adam Crane, vice president of external affairs for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, was the featured guest presenter at The Gatesworth, where he introduced a special screening of The Return of the Violin, a film presented at this year’s St. Louis Jewish Film Festival.
Pictured: Bea Rothberg, Adam Crane, Meg Crane
At JDRF’s 16th annual Tee Up to Cure Diabetes golf tournament at Boone Valley Golf Club, $120,000 was raised for Type 1 diabetes research. The largest funder of Type 1 diabetes research, the organization currently sponsors $568 million in scientific research in 17 countries.
Ameren Corporation raised more than $109,000 for the arts and arts education this year. This brings the total for Ameren’s annual A&E Workplace Giving Campaign to $2.7 million since its inception in 1986.
[card care connection]
Card Care Connection recently hosted a Beauty Bash at the Saint Louis Galleria. The caregivers of cancer patients were among the more than 200 participants who enjoyed a day of beauty and pampering.
[legal services of eastern missouri]
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri received a $21,450 donation from The Simon Law Firm P.C. after the proceeds from its Continuing Legal Education seminar. This was the 10th anniversary of the event in which expert attorneys and judges lecture on a range of topics.