I recognize the pandemic has created enormous changes in the workplace, especially with regard to job skills, which already were changing even before COVID hit. That said, I currently am looking for a new job—any thoughts on essential skill sets to update my resume for today’s environment and beyond?

There are any number of skill sets you need; however, in my opinion, here are six assets that are paramount to not only catching an employer’s eye, but that also will help you succeed today and thrive in the future:

Being Self-Directed. Act more like an entrepreneur and show you can take charge of your roles. This means being an active participant in identifying the skills, resources and support to meet company goals and objectives, and then, following through as the collaborator-in-chief to ensure the job is successfully completed.

Increased Digital Skills. Since the pandemic’s inception, most businesses have accelerated their reliance on digital technology. New hires need to be comfortable using digital technologies ranging from collaboration software to videoconferencing. However, they’re also going to need to be able to evaluate metrics to measure the effectiveness of these technologies.

Highly Effective Communicator. Being an effective communicator has always been critical and an in-demand skill. But in today’s environment, highly effective communicators must be able to extend themselves across platforms. The rise of videoconferencing and collaboration platforms requires new skills, and being an effective virtual facilitator is a major plus. You also need to know which platform to use—video, audio and digital communication—in ways that don’t create negative outcomes, such as Zoom fatigue or lack of engagement.

Adaptability. As many workplaces evolve to hybrid models or have other significant changes, adaptability is an increasingly necessary skill. Being able to keep functioning, even when you’re a little uncomfortable, is important in a time when so many things may be in flux. Be open to taking on stretch roles or new challenges to help ‘build adaptability muscles.’ You need to continue to create that spark of innovation to produce results and be productive for the organization. Keep in mind, you also may need to find new ways to collaborate virtually or to achieve results when uncertainty or obstacles continue to lie in your path.

Motivational. In addition to the intellectual ability to do the job, it is essential to not only have the ability to manage change, but also to have the communication skills that can motivate and persuade your team to get the job done. This also always has been a key characteristic in setting job candidates apart, but it now seems even more important in a time where playing catch up with bottom line revenue is critical.

Empathy. It is necessary to have the ability to understand the challenges other employees and organizations are facing with sincere compassion and intellect to bridge necessary gaps to help navigate and successfully achieve company goals.